The Association was formed in Cardiff in the Spring of 1995 by the late Bill Henke MBE and friends, to bring together in a spirit of friendship all seafarers who have served, or are still serving, in the Merchant Navy, Royal Fleet Auxiliary and Deep Sea Fishing Fleets.
Sadly our Patron, Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas P.C. has recently stood down due failing health. He was appointed in 2006 and has supported the Association over the years. We will miss him.
The National Committee held a vote on a replacement and I am please to inform you that Cdr. Peter Machin RD, BSc. DL, RNR was successful in the vote and has accepted our invitation to be Patron of MNA (Wales).
Cdr. Machin has been a strong supporter of MNA (Wales) for many years and is a regular attendee at our Services down Cardiff Bay. He is thoroughly deserving of the honour.
The Association was granted the Freedom of the City and County of Cardiff in September 2001, and the County Borough of the Vale of Glamorgan in April 2005.
Membership is open to all who have served, or are still serving as Merchant Seamen and signed on Articles as such in the Merchant Navy, Royal Fleet Auxiliary and Deep Sea Fishing Fleets, and to spouses, widows and others closely connected.
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 2.00 p.m. in the Caerphilly Conservative Club, Bartlett Street, Caerphilly.
The Association also has a Branch at Barry in the Vale of Glamorgan. Branch meetings are held on the last Wednesday of every month at 2.00 p.m. in the Liberal Club, Thompson Street, Barry.
If you have any comments or queries please send them to MNAWales@icloud.com. We would love to hear from you.